The documentary follows Nobel Peace Prize winner Professor Yunus as he brings his unique and revolutionary microfinance program to the US.
To Catch A Dollar is an inspiring documentary by Gayle Ferraro.
Professor Muhammad Yunus became known as the father of microcredit loans in Bangladesh and developed the Grameen Bank – a fully licensed bank owned by its borrowers – mainly poor women. Witness the birth of Grameen America and the compelling stories of the first women borrowers in Queens NY; from the challenges they face to the successes they achieve, as they learn to sustainably rise from poverty by starting and growing their own businesses with the education, support, and non-collateral microloans they receive.
The theatrical premiere is to be followed by a discussion featuring Professor Muhammad Yunus and Suze Orman. Purple Red’s assignment was to create a visual that would evoque New York, microcredit loans and introduce the discussion following the screening.
2) First concepts and font research.
3) Revisions and finalisation.
To Catch a Dollar – movie Website design